4.47 - THE LION KING (1994) & Privilege

Our film this week is the 1994 award-winning classic THE LION KING.
Our film this week is the 1994 award-winning classic THE LION KING. After the usual reviews, we talk about Sam’s changing ideas about the film, how it may or may not be about the growth of a character, and what it says about the role of royal privilege (not, this week in particular, an entirely irrelevant topic!).
Next Up
It’s remake time! Next up is the 2019 version of the film.
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Firstly, here’s what Rob was saying about the film’s iconic status: www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38312379. Rob mentions that there’s something of the morality play about what we see on screen; see here for more on this: www.britannica.com/art/morality-play-dramatic-genre. Sam refers to the etymology of the word ‘privilege’: www.etymonline.com/word/privilege. The writer of this piece is at least in agreement with Sam that the film is not based on Hamlet: www.fatherly.com/play/what-is-the-lion-king-based-on-the-answer-isnt-hamlet-shakespeare. The IMDB ‘trivia’ page for the film is a good read: www.imdb.com/title/tt0110357/trivia?ref_=tt_trv_trv. And finally, it wouldn’t be a 1990s Disney film without some racial controversy…: www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/12/14/676703629/swahili-speakers-horrified-by-disneys-trademark-of-hakuna-matata?t=1618171829034
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